FPC425 - Talking with Nadia Ferroukhi and about her project: In the name of mother (ENG)

During the La Gacilly Photo Festival in Baden near Vienna, Nadia Ferroukhi and Michael met for a very personal interview about her, her project "Au nom de la mére / in the name of mother" and the idea behind

Shownotes zu Fotopodcast #425

  • Going on
  • How did you find all these women an their villages?
  • The difference between patriarchy and matriarchy
  • Three differences between matriarchies
  • Getting familiar and beginning to research
  • How long did you stay with the women? And what did you notice?
  • The first published book: Les Matriarches
  • Did the women offer you the way they´ve acted?
  • Did you show them the pictures?
  • Not always an easy job…
  • Preparing the second book
  • Do you remember a special moment?
  • Photography is a beautyful profession, but…
  • What is your personal tip for photography?
  • Where can our listeners find you?
  • Bye, bye…


Nadia Ferroukhi lives in Paris. Born of a Czech mother and an Algerian father, a nomad since her childhood. Today, as a documentary photographer and a visual storyteller, she travels the planet armed with her camera, expressing herself through reports that she publishes in the French and international press. She exhibits in festivals, galleries and international museums.

Multilingual and curious, her „3rd eye“ and her empathy allow her to fulfill all the aspirations that have animated her since childhood. Her photos tell the stories of all those who, through their specificity, contribute to the diversity of the planet. Over the years, she has built stories, with a particular focus on the status of women.

Nadia established two associations : Douniatou Association in 2008 to help Tumaï, a woman village in Kenya. Tumaï is part of her latest story showcased in Les Matriarches, photo & textbook. And, Anno’s Arts in 2022, to support the academic and artistic education of children living in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya and to promote exchanges with France : https://www.annosarts.org

She graduated in International Relations in Virginia, USA.

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Das Titelbild der Folge 425 wurde von Michael Eloy Werthmüller, alle weiteren Bilder von Nadia Ferroukhi zur Verfügung gestellt!

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Social Media:
Michael Eloy Werthmüller
Nadia Ferroukhi

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2 Antworten auf „FPC425 - Talking with Nadia Ferroukhi and about her project: In the name of mother (ENG)“

  1. Vielen Dank für das SEHR sympathische, interessante Interview mit Nadia Ferroukhi. Ich musste zwischendurch immer wieder lachen, aber auch mit Tränen kämpfen.
    Hätte noch länger dauern können. Freu mich schon auf die nächsten Gespräche.

  2. Was für ein unglaublich sympathisches Interview!! Man spürt die tolle Atmosphäre bei der Aufnahme direkt und fühlt sich als Teil der kleinen Gesprächsrunde. Die unheimlich tollen Inhalte und spannenden Einblicke haben mich voll in den Bann gezogen. Danke Nadia. Danke Michael.

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